Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rain or Shine, We're There for the Animals!

We got soaked today at the Monster Pets' demo. But as you can see from the photo below (from a previous demo), we're out there for the animals, no matter what the weather throws our way.
Even in the rain people stop to ask questions & take flyers. We brave all weather to expose the truth and speak out for those without voices!
As long as Monster Pets continues to profit from the suffering of animals, we'll be in front of their store. We are always looking for new faces, so please consider joining us. Leave us a comment here or email if you have questions about our peaceful outreach efforts.

Here are some questions we have been asked during our recent demos:

Q: Where can I get flea and tick control products, like Frontline and Advantage, for a reasonable price?

A: This website offers flea and tick control products at one of the most affordable prices we can find: If you have another suggestion, please feel free to comment.

Note: For the safety of your companion animal, consult your veterinarian as to the appropriate choice of flea and tick control. Beware of over the counter medications, such as Hartz. Visit to read about the dangerous and often lethal Hartz products. Below is a photo of Gauge, a MinPin, who was harmed by a Hartz product. Gauge's MinPin companion was killed by the same Hartz product

Gauge, a victim of one of Hartz's dangerous products

Q: What's the big deal if I buy a dog bed at Monster Pets just this one time?

A: We understand that it may be a bit less convenient to buy your supplies from stores that don't sell animals, but it is so important that you make that choice. Every time someone decides to shop at Monster Pets, that person is letting Monster Pets think that the public doesn't care if they sell puppy mill puppies. There are two ways to let a store know you do not agree with their business practices, the second being more effective than the first: 1. Tell them 2. Don't shop there - when they start bringing in less money they will start to understand that the public does not condone selling puppies from abusive facilities.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blogging Against Monster Pets

Welcome to the blog for the Boycott Monster Pets campaign! You can find background information about the campaign at We've started this blog as a way to give updated information about the campaign and to share anything interesting that we come across. The campaign started in January 2007 and continues to this day because, unfortunately, Monster Pets continues to sell puppy mill puppies.
If you are unsure of what a puppy mill is, visit these sites:

If you do visit, make sure to sign the pledge to stop puppy mills!

We'll start out by showing two letters we've written to Monster Pets. To date they have gone unanswered.


December 28, 2007
Mr. Brian Fennell
Mr. James Zornes
Monster Pets
1946 S. Columbus Blvd.Philadelphia, PA 19148


Dear Mr. Fennell and Mr. Zornes,

Once again, I would like to thank Mr. Fennell for meeting with me in the beginning of this year. During our meeting, Mr. Fennell stated that Monster Pets buys puppies from Hunte Corporation. Our research indicates that Hunte Corporation purchases puppies from "high-volume breeders" which are also known as puppy mills. However, sources from Monster Pets, such as Susan Hoagland, have claimed that none of Monster Pets' puppies come from puppy mills. If you are purchasing animals from a company that is known to source animals from puppy mills, how can you claim to know where your puppies originate, and that none of them are from puppy mills? In order to address this contradiction, please provide us with the names and addresses of the breeder sources of the puppies sold at Monster Pets.
As you know, since we spoke earlier this year, millions of animals have been killed in U.S. shelters because of lack of homes. Every community in the country kills homeless animals. Knowing this lethal situation, it is reprehensible for any store to sell animals. Therefore, Reach Out for Animal Rights (ROAR) continues to respectfully request that you stop selling puppies. We will continue to peacefully leaflet and urge customers to adopt and not buy until you stop the business of selling intentionally-bred animals. As you well know, our approach of outreach is neither frightening nor intimidating, as hours of videotaped footage proves.
The majority of reputable rescue organizations will not work with stores that sell puppies. If Monster Pets stops the sale of puppies and other animals, ROAR would be happy to assist you in forming positive relationships with animal rescue organizations in the community. We are happy to meet with you to discuss this or any other issue. I would appreciate your response as soon as possible. Please mail to Reach Out for Animal Rights, P.O. Box 338, Westville, NJ 08093.
Thank you for your time.

Reach Out for Animal Rights


January 31, 2008

Mr. Brian Fennell
Mr. James Zornes
Monster Pets
1946 S. Columbus Blvd.Philadelphia, PA 19148


Dear Mr. Fennell and Mr. Zornes,

This is to follow up on our letter of December 28, 2007 and our request for the breeder sources of Monster Pets’ puppies.
Monster Pets repeatedly purports to sell healthy puppies from quality breeders. Among other things, Susan Hoagland, self-proclaimed Monster Pets’ representative, has stated, “a healthy happy playful puppy comes from a happy, healthy parent. It's a proven fact and we haven't had a sick, unhappy, unplayful puppy.” However, as Mr. Fennell stated during our meeting early last year, Monster Pets purchases puppies from Hunte Corporation, one of the largest puppy brokers in the nation. Hunte is known to purchase puppies from “high-volume breeders” or puppy mills, many with multiple U.S.D.A. Animal Welfare Act violations. Our reasonable request for breeder records backing up your claims should be eagerly fulfilled if in fact your puppies are from breeders you are proud to support. Please send these records to us at the address below at your earliest convenience.
On a different note, I am deeply concerned about defamatory allegations about my group and me made by Susan Hoagland, spokesperson for Monster Pets. For example, Ms. Hoagland has stated that Reach Out for Animal Rights (ROAR) and I intimidate customers and frighten children. We take great offense to these allegations. Our outreach efforts are peaceful and we stand far from Monster Pets’ doors as to not impede any person’s right to shop at your establishment. ROAR has even begun handing out child friendly pro-adoption activity pages. Our peaceful presence and professional manner are issues that we take very seriously. I am requesting that Monster Pets and anyone writing on your behalf stop all libelous allegations against my group or me.
ROAR’s offer to meet with you to discuss these or other issues still remains. I would appreciate your response as soon as possible. Please mail to Reach Out for Animal Rights, P.O. Box 338, Westville, NJ 08093.
Thank you for your time.

Reach Out for Animal Rights