Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Keep Up the Great Work!"

Yesterday our demo went very well. We had at least five people stop to ask us what a puppy mill is. It's very surprising to us that some people still don't know about puppy mills, but it reassures us that we are doing the right thing by educating people. Many people were out and about enjoying the first real taste of summer, so we managed to hand out a lot flyers and get a bunch of supportive honks and thumbs up. Quite a few people turned around to shop elsewhere (find a list of alternative stores on our main website). After reading our signs, two cars even turned around before they got to the driveway! As one woman was pulling in to visit one of the other stores in the center, she stopped to tell us that she doesn't shop at Monster Pets anymore because of what she learned from our presence. She told us to, "keep up the great work!"

Please consider joining us one of these Saturdays. Any amount of time you can contribute WILL help animals!

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